Hong Kong – Pub Crawl

Went on the Hong Kong pub crawl to see what the night life was like. 100hkd, up front, basically got you 2 for 1 drinks all night, so was well worth the money. It also got everyone into the club which I was told normally cost 400hkd. This was a lot of fun as I got to meet loads of people and managed to be one of the last few standing at the end which wasn’t fun the next day. The McDonald’s breakfast was very much needed.

Hong Kong – Glass Bottom Cable Car and Tian Tan Buddha

Two things I wanted to do were the glass cable car and the giant Buddha. So when I Google mapped the Buddha it suggests the cable car was the best way to get there. I ended up getting in the cable car with seven Philippinos who turned up to be great fun and we got a few pictures together. The Buddha was a lot bigger than I thought it would be and it was a misty day which made everything seem more interesting.

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Hong Kong – Arriving and The Peak

Getting to the Hostel

Arriving at Hong Kong airport then getting to my hostel was much easier than I thought it would be. One coach all the way pretty much door to door costing 33HKD (which is roughly £3.30). Then an early night to settle into the new time zone.


I found a bakery, for breakfast, called “Bread-Talk” and sampled the floss bun which had a bit of a unique taste and then a sweet eggy bun thing which was delicious.

The Peak

Catching the metro, again really easy you just click where you’re going on the map and it prints you a ticket. Then the Peak tram to the top, this included access to the viewing point which has lovely views looking down on Hong Kong.

Morning Hike Route

After speaking to the information guy he suggested hiking the “morning hike route” which leads you up even higher and has views of the harbour side so I gave the hike a go and in my opinion, the views were better than from the viewing platform but still both well worth seeing.

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Las Vegas – Billy’s Stag Do


Getting the stag dress as Pikachu for the journey, had a bit of a party on the plane to pass the time, before having to run for the connection as we landed late and lost some luggage, only just making the connecting flight, this was good fun once everyone was on the plane. The only other option would have been a 3-hour rental car, which may have been an issue after all the beers consumed. Getting into Vegas at night was fantastic all lit up and massive buildings everywhere. We stayed at the Luxor whilst we were in Vegas a pyramid themed hotel where the lifts in the building went up diagonally.


Walking along the strip and checking out all the buildings from the outside MGM Grand, Luxor, NewYork NewYork, Excalibur, Mandalay Bay and loads of other sites most in the photos at the bottom of this post. Breakfast at the hard-rock with live music and a view over Vegas. Then we went for a walk through the casinos taking in all the different themes and then watching the Bellagio fountains.

Got the stag dressed up as Superman for the Fremont Street zip line, this street is fantastic with a massive led screen and various live music everywhere.



Just hanging out by the pool today, as it was ridiculously hot at 40 degrees. Starting off the drinking at top golf which was on route to the duelling piano bar. This bar started with karaoke and then the two pianists would play any song you requested.

This night turned out to be the wildest night we all put on our hats and Elvis glasses and got absolutely bladdered. We managed to convince one of the pianists to play suspicious minds and got all 10 Elvises up and singing it. I can’t remember much happening after this so I will end this night here.


Had the Hoover Dam and The Grand Canyon helicopter tour today this was pretty amazing and you really need to go to understand the size of them. Then spent some time learning to play craps with the help of google and watching people play. Then a few test games and we had the basics.



After learning Craps we decided to play a few games before we had to leave. I preferred craps over the other table games maybe because it was new or maybe because everyone seems to win or lose together, which made for a good atmosphere.

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Benidorm – Kim’s 40th

Such an amazing place, its like Disney land for adults.

Day 1
Drinking by the pool at the Sol Pelicanos one of the filming location for the TV show Benidorm. Then out to the flash tavern which is nice starter bar outside at the very start of the strip, John and Josephs for dinner where burger and chips is 5 euros and all drinks are 1 euro including pints. Neptune’s/Morgans Tavern which is also from the show, its a cheese club place, after that western which is a western themed bar, then some karaoke cant remember the name of this place, last of all sopranos a kinda bar/club with a outdoor area. Then got lost walking about early in the morning had to use some google maps which wasn’t working for me in my current state so managed to find a cab.

Day 2
This was colors fancy dress day everyone had a colour to wear from a camo onesie to a full red suit.  Then western, more karaoke, got lost from group but at knew how to get home this time and with some kebabs.

Day 3
First letter of your name fancy dress so I was a surgeon which allowed me to take some liberties. I would advise the outfit choice for anyone up for a laugh then the same old warm up places western, karaoke, then a new one called club Benidorm the most club like place so far.

Day 4
This was a good night one of the best nights, same starters and then Beach combers which was a nice change as it was a different pace of music more dance and more bass.

Day 5
Casual day as everyone else headed home so had some food on the beach and only a few beers that night.

Day 6
Traveling home after having a walk around the island and getting some more scenic pictures.

All in all would recommend Benidorm to anyone that wanted a club and party place.

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Cornwall – Hobbit House and Surfing

Arrived at Dales place and was given the option of a free upgrade to the Sheppard Huts or the Gypsy Wagon. But I had my mind set on the Hobbit house so decided to stick with that.

We had a few fire’s using our very own fire-pit which was great fun and a nice source of heat as it got late into the night. The place had its own BBQ and mini kitchen with the basics including some fridge space. Everything seemed to be well thought out and very quirky.

Dale gave us directions for Knill’s Monument which was about 5 minutes away as well the direction to Halsetown Inn, here we sampled some cocktails and Michelin recommended food.

Did the touristy bits and visited the local town St Ives. Picked up a new lense for my camera which should cover everything I need for my future travel plans also got a travel tripod.

Dales other half Kat supplied us with some surf lessons we had a fantastic time even managed to stand up a few times and will now be looking for a surf place closer to home. Kat was really friendly and knew her stuff which made it very easy to learn.

So on the way back home a quick detour to Adrenalin Quarry to try out the swing and zip line.

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Cornwall – Pendennis Castle

Just got to Cornwall Falmouth, checked in to Tregenna Guest House then out to the local Wetherspoons (classy) which was called The Packet Station here to test the new order and pay app, this app was pretty awesome, upon using the app we waited a maximum of about 3 minutes every time and then the drinks would be delivered, this is a lazy persons dream. Then because you cant stay in Wetherspoons all night we went to the local Irish bar Finn McCouls as with most Irish bars the atmosphere was fantastic everyone was dancing and singing, generally having a good time.

Wake up and have the cooked breakfast and off to Pendennis Castle spent some time walking around the castle, checking out the guns, then my favorite part watching the pirate show by Time Capsule Education. Who doesn’t like watching pirates blow up cabbages with canons?

Then off to the second location Truro staying at the Manning hotel, had dinner at Kathmandutruro a nice Indian and Nepalese food place the Everest Chicken was so tasty along with the Gurkha beer.

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DrinkUp : The Beer Edit (Paddy’s Day)

Price and Info

Beer festival @ The Oval Space

Entry and a free half pint £13.50

£4 – £6 a pint

Beers that i sampled:

Sharp’s Pilsner, Premium Lager 5.2%
Nice beer nothing special nothing bad.

Glenfiddich Experimental Series IPA cask 43%
Was a nice whisky tasted a bit harsh probably a young whisky you could have it as a cocktail which may have tasted smoother.

I also had the IPA that lent its old cask to the whisky this was really nice but I have no idea what it was called.

Nitro Coffee Stout (last keg in the world)
Not a fan of stout but the last keg in the world was okay.

Not normally a fan but was paddy’s day so gotta do it I enjoyed having one don’t think I could drink them all night though.

Hobo’s Craft Czech Lager ABV: 5.1%
wouldn’t buy it again had a very unusual flavor which may be ideal for some.

Boiler maker:
Southwark Bermondsey Best 4.4%
I have had this beer before and always enjoy it could drink a good few pints. Maybe it’s because I grew up there.

Auchentoshan 40.00 %
The whisky was okay I prefer smoky whisky but this is still worth a try.

Missed the Pabst Blue Ribbon and four pure due to running out of time. I have had some four pure before and always enjoy most of there beers. One that I did miss but would have liked to try was the Heiniken H41 made from wild yeast.

The food was also really nice had a pulled beef burger and feta chili and spring onions chips.

As we left we noticed the pickle factory next door had a bit of an after party with a stage for dancing on. The beer on tap was hop house 13 larger. Fairly average beer was good enough to keep drinking.

When they finally kicked us out we started making our way home until we walked past The Queen Adelaide which was still going strong so decided to have a few in here was relatively busy.

Ended up discussing how to make the best Italian spaghetti with an Italian guy named Mike.
I had ago at making a few days later and I’m pretty sure I missed out a few important ingredients should have taken notes.

Really good night would recommend.

Long Weekend Away – Bulgaria Bansko Skiing

Initial Costs

I ended up booking everything individually as it worked out a lot cheaper. I also went with a random holiday company couldn’t find any any reviews for them or any sites saying it was a scam. Managed to find it on the travel agents database so thought I would risk it and it ended up paying off. I did have to pay an extra 3% PayPal payment tax but was still really cheap though.

Holiday company: http://www.bulgariaski.com/bansko/

I got the ski hire and Hotel via these ^^ guys.

Hotel: JIK family hotel Single Rooms, bed & breakfast x 3 days x 13.33 EUR = 40.00 EUR.

Ski/snowboard services:
Lift pass + Skis and poles hire and Boots (skiing) hire – 3 days, Adults x 1 person x 116.00 EUR = 116.00 EUR

Sky Scanner: I managed to fit everything into hand luggage this is well worth it as it saved me about (£40)

Transfers: Sun transfers

Cost in pounds:

Easy jet £143.48

Hotel and Skis £141.19

Transfers: £35.52

Ski Helmet £15

Insurance: Amount: £4.93

Total = £340.12


Food and Drink cost

Pint £2 – £3

Dinner £5 – £10

Large slice of Pizza £2



Three mobile: Feel at home works really well if your currently on Three.

Money: You can spend lots or little out here I would suggest changing your money out there I was going to change in Gatwick but they offered me 1.7 I managed to get 2.3 out there in March 2017.

Flight time 2 -3 hours.

Day One

Arrived and managed get in a couple hours skiing on the snow road before the slopes closed.

Happy end looked really lively but was feeling hungry so went to euphoria for some dinner the Spag Bol was very tasty and like most things in the area reasonably priced.

A friend recommended Amegos which was dead at the time I found out later between 6pm – 9pm everything dies down before it picks back up.

Went back to happy end as it was a bit busier found a group playing drinking games and ended up joining them.

Then back to Amegos for a live band this place packed out quickly from here till it was completely full.

It was the groups last night so  they finished up at a reasonable time I thought this was a good idea as I could get up early for some skiing went back to the hotel I was staying in the Jik family hotel decided I needed some bottle water so nipped to a nearby bar with locals got some water and a pint. Ended up having rounds of bulgrian whisky till the early hours.


Day Two

Second day was a little quieter I went to the spa sat in the Jacuzzi chilled a bit, read some of my book i’m currently finishing off the wool trilogy, spent some time in the stream room before going for dinner. Had dinner in the hotel went for the local dish in the hotel which was mixed sach (Beef, Chicken, Veg and potatoes) I’m pretty sure it was for 2 people as struggled to finish it.


Day Three

Third and last day got to the slopes as soon as they opened and got a full day of it kept increasing my speed until to over did it and managed to crash at over 40mph slowed it right down after that and kept it reasonable. Met a few people on the slopes but either they were to quick or to slow.

Ended up doing a mini bar crawl and meeting a few people.

The only negative point was the Hotel room was really hot it was nice when I left the window open though.


Although I did take my SLR I wasn’t confident enough in my ability to Ski with it so in the end all the pictures were took with my phone.

No Images found.

Westminster – Houses of Parliament

I recently took a trip to Westminster via London bridge. Managed to get a few shots of the shard on route and then some pictures of the Houses of Parliament.