Pre Trip – Crawley

I went for a walk on a Crawley path to East Grinstead and to further test out my Camera. Here are some of the shots.

Pre Trip – Image Editing

I spent some time learning the image editing software GIMP to see what I could do with it. I messed with the colours at first, got the hang of it and then followed a few tutorials to get some different effects on the image.

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Pre Trip – Tower bridge

Decided I should try visit a few locations to test out my new camera.

Here are a few shots from my Tower bridge trip.

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Pre Trip – Camera Nikon D3300

I picked up my Camera yesterday, ready for the trip next year. Giving me plenty of time to work it out. Managed to get a free one hour lesson when buying the Camera, will need to book that shortly! A test trip is in progress for next month and then more trips to come once confirmed. Have uploaded a few test pictures. I’m using youtube to understand the basics of editing images, although a lot of it is trial and error.

Luna (German Shepherd)

Had plenty of pictures to take of my sisters dog (she insisted).

Pre Trip – The beginning

So, Saturday the 20th of August 2016, I start thinking about my travel plans… two days later I decide I am going to do it and start writing down my plan. The next day I have a site ready for my blog and pictures! Now, the full planning begins and the trips commence.

Estimated travel date for Asia, is currently May 2017. This will give me time for extra planning, gathering equipment and necessities for my adventure.