Indonesia – Gili Islands – Gili Trawangan, Partying

So I stayed at a recommend party hostel called M Box. As it got later drinking games started and when the hostel stopped serving beer we all headed to town and pub crawled all along the beach. I then ended up drinking till the sun came up on the beach.

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Indonesia – Gili Islands – Gili Meno, Chilling

After my failed attempts at resting on Gili Air, I came to Meno which has very little on it. I spent two days here doing as little as possible. Sitting on the beach and sitting by the pool.

Indonesia – Gili Islands – Gili Air, Diving and Partying

I went to Air first to dive and chill a bit before going to Gili T the party island. But after my diving course, all the diving instructors suggested a few beers and we ended up drinking all night for a couple nights.

Indonesia – Bali – Tanah Lot Temple, Canggu Day Trip from Kuta

Got a scooter with my roommate from my Kuta hostel and headed to Canggu to see The Tanah Lot Temple which was completely different from any I had seen as it was built in the Sea.

Indonesia – Bali – Kuta

I had a walk around Kuta and got a few pictures before going out for some beer with some of the people in my hostel.

South Korea – Jeonju

Jeonju was a lovely place to visit. We hired a Segway and an electric scooter then drove around the town which has a nice olden time look to it.

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Myanmar – Bago – Many Pagoda’s

When I got to Bago I managed to get a little semi-automatic bike and drove this around Bago looking at lots of the Pagodas.

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Myanmar – Kyaiktiyo – Pagoda Golden Rock

This was quite a trek first about 45 minutes on the back of a truck all crammed in as it races up the side of the mountain, taking the corners as quick as it could. Then a 15-minute walk or for some cash you could get carried to the rock were the views were amazing. The Golden Rock its self-was very interesting to see and people at it seemed to be rubbing golf leaf on it.

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Myanmar – Yangon the Shwedagon Pagoda

This place was massive and even had escalators to help you get around. They had a few rituals going on whilst here one you would find your birthday of the week and pour water on the statues in the right order and then ring a bell three times. They also had everyone line up and sweep the floor as a ritual which was interesting to watch.

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Thailand – Chiang Rai – Wat Rong Khun (White Temple), Baan Dam (Black House) and Wat Rong Suea Ten (Blue Temple)

Managed to get a Tuk Tuk driver to take me to all three coloured houses/temples for under £20 which I was happy with. All three where amazing and completely different.

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